Book of Ester

The scientific journal of an artist’s journey.

Note To Self: Last Night was Peak Vessel Mode

It was a full moon and Mercury is Direct.

And I wrote like the wind I couldn’t stop myself last night. I wanted to stop about three times and get ready for bed, prep for the next day.

Nope. That energy wanted me to get it all out. I am grateful.

I’ve often wanted to know how to trigger those writing marathons that every writer dreams about. Where it all just falls out your brain onto the page. Peak vessel mode. Just carrying it through. No second guessing yourself or your mind.

I was afraid that that type of flow would only come with the use of cocaine.

But I felt it last night. And all I needed was my headphones, Blue Dream and my laptop. My faves. But now I gotta put Mercury Direct and a Full Moon on that list.

So I guess the question now is, can I achieve peak vessel mode with a full moon, without mercury direct and vice versa.

I will have to keep track of this for 2025.

Observation: Can I Manifest from my Don’t Wants?

*Observation: Your body is talking to you