Book of Ester

The scientific journal of an artist’s journey.

*Observation: Your body is talking to you

I’m noticing that when I have a physical resistance, it’s my soul/spirit telling my body not to move forward

It’s like my brain is stuck in a formula or a pattern and my soul/spirit wants me to break out of it, move in a new direction, try something different

but because my brain is stubborn and finds peace in past results and thinks being repetitive and robotic is the only key to success,

My soul/spirit has to bypass my brain

and tell my body: Hey. Whatever she talking about right now, slow it way way down to the point that she questions why she’s moving so slow.

and usually when I’m moving slow, I get frustrated with myself and then I smoke and then I ask myself why am I moving so slow today

then I hear my soul/spirit say: I want to try something different.

*this could also be considered a note to self

Note To Self: Last Night was Peak Vessel Mode

Note to self: I don’t need more energy. I need more help.