Book of Ester

The scientific journal of an artist’s journey.

Zodiac Notes: Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon

This is week one of formally recording observations in my creative process and fluctuations in my creative energy. I think the reason I took so long to start this blog was because I thought every entry had to read like a high-brow Op-Ed from The Atlantic. And I wasn’t sure how to do that.

I don’t know where I got that idea from, but it was holding me back. But we’re here now, and I understand that the purpose of is not to share a perfect process, but to share my journey to become more aware of your process. So here are my rules:

Entries will read less like stories and more likes notes to my creative self. This necessary to build a habit of consistency. Maybe in the future, I’'ll have the bandwith to put observations and analysis the same post. Entries will be brief, with an emphasis on recording observations. Analysis will come after* some reflection and appear on my You Tube Series (coming soon.) 

I feel like, at some point in the future, I’ll want to rearrange the presentation of the report as themes, patterns and rhythms in my energy and process reveal themselves to me.  

My top three goals are: 1) to build an of archive of my methods to create, sustain and increase my creative energy and catalog my creative process and its evolution 2) to inspire other artists to investigate their own creative process and 3) to leave a reminder for my future self, so that at the end of my days, I can relive the adventure of life, as an artist. 

Experience: I found an all Black Improv Troupe.